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None Of Us Are Invincible

Tasha Schuh

Some of you may be tempted to ignore this post thinking that it may be negative, but I can guarantee you that it is not. I realize that it is no fun to think about this fact, but I want to challenge you by realizing this that it can help you make the most of everyday and help you live life to the fullest. I always thought that I was invincible. When I had my accident, I couldn’t believe that something bad had happened to me. Today I am thankful for this happening to me and would not change what I went through. I see so many people living in the past and fearing the future that if something were to happen tomorrow they would have regrets. I have learned over the years how to truly live in a way where if tomorrow didn’t come, I would have no regrets. In this video, I tackle important topics such as forgiveness, the power of being vulnerable with your loved ones and living with joy every day. Even though none of us are invincible, we are stronger then we think we are and can go through difficult times and come out on the other side.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on this :)

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