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Thank you, Mom!

Tasha Schuh

This Sunday we’ll be celebrating a very important holiday, Mother’s Day. I wanted to take the opportunity to share about my mom with a video tribute.

Do we ever really appreciate our moms when we’re growing up? Of course not; with every “no” or punishment handed out, we’re sure our mothers are trying to ruin our lives. It’s only later that we truly understand Mom’s wisdom and concern for our wellbeing. As I think back, I can only imagine the trouble I could have gotten myself into had it not been for my mom’s strict guidance.

Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs in the world! Of course today I can more fully comprehend how difficult it must have been to say “no” and put up with my pleas, arguments and tears when I didn’t get my way. But she stayed tough and did the hard work, even though I’m sure there were times when my angry words stung, and it would have been much easier to just let me have my way.

She knew at that time in my life her job was to be Mom, and not a friend. As a result, I knew she loved me unconditionally and despite my childhood antics, would be there for me no matter what. Today as a grown woman, my mom is both my mother and a friend. Thank you Mom! I appreciate all the sacrifices you made for me and I promise to follow your example and one day be as great of a mom as you.

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